Why Network Marketing
WHY NOT? Maybe that is the question we should be asking ourselves. I go back and forth from a “hard numbers” kinda girl to a “what makes my heart happy” kinda girl. It’s a struggle… or at least I thought it was. And then, I decided to research network marketing, from the angle of:
“Can I be a lawyer and feel comfortable and confident telling people I have a successful network marketing business?”
I knew I could make money. Now my husband and I are able to diversify our income stream (that’s HUGE ) and take advantage of some home-business tax-breaks that have really helped my business grow and prosper.
I’ve been through all of those emotions, I promise you! And if you wonder how I can say that with a straight-face, we should chat.

4 Things to Consider
Are you thinking about starting a virtual franchise, or joining an established network marketing company?
Are you crazy excited when you think about owning a turn-key home-based business, being a CEO of that business, and starting your journey as an empire builder?
I read an article recently that identified how to choose a good company, and I thought it was so insightful - and simple.
1. The People
2. The Product
3. The Timing
4. The Payment Plan.
Consistency Beats One-Time Detox
Juice diets and detox cleanses may work wonders for the digestive system, but these quickie fads will never be a shortcut to gorgeous, healthy skin.
Like genetics, lifestyle also plays a role in aging our skin, and studies warn that exposure to pollution and toxins can make you look less than youthful. It’s far better to embrace a daily, consistent approach to skin cleansing rather than a drastic detox.
Always wash your face before bed (no exceptions). By treating your skin with care each day, you’ll see real results that a beauty fad can’t ever replicate.
Learn more by getting a free online skin consultation.